Climate change is symptom of our broken relationships
Here is a nice article in the Minnesota Daily exploring Indigenous people, climate change, and environmental justice. Many Indigenous people I work with say climate change is a symptom of our broken relationships with each other and, non-human beings, and ecosystems.
Indian Land Tenure
Last week the Terra Institute screened a documentary at the College of Menominee Nation titled, “Legend Lake: A Talking Circle.” The documentary explores land tenure issues and both Menominee and non-Menominee perspectives on the private lake development within the Menominee reservation. The documentary won an award at the Wisconsin film Read more…
Vine Deloria, Jr. Quote on writing
“Writing, of any kind, is really a search for roots conducted with words and ideas.” -Vine Deloria, Jr. I read this at the end of my work day. It is from Vine Deloria, Jr. in his essay “Across the Spectrum: Recent Literature on American Indians” published in the the Social Read more…